Le Corsaire
About the performance

What can be more beautiful on the stage near the sea than a ballet based on a marine theme? Le Corsaire choreographed by the head ballet master Eldar Aliev is the show to see on the Mariinsky Theatre Primorsky Stage. Since the time of its creation Le Corsaire was off to a long and successful journey. It was composed practically by the same brilliant artistic alliance that fifteen years earlier brought the immortal Giselle to the world. The librettist Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges, the composer Adolphe Adam (whose music score later was added with pieces of other composers), and the choreographers Jules Perrot and Marius Petipa presented a new ballet masterpiece for musical theatre. This new ballet was just as romanticist and romantic as the sad and illusory Giselle yet it was very different.

Premiere in Vladivostok: 25 April 2015.

The performance has one interval.

Music by Adolphe Adam using music by Cesare Pugni, Léo Delibes, Riccardo Drigo and Pyotr Oldenburgsky

Libretto by Eldar Aliev based on the libretto by Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Joseph Mazilier

Choreographer: Eldar Aliev (using fragments of Marius Petipa’s choreography)

Set Designer: Semyon Pastukh

Costume Designer: Galina Solovieva

Lighting Designer: Eldar Aliev

Assistant Lighting Designer: Nikita Kursov

Assistant Choreographer: Reiko Otsuka (Japan)

Repetiteur: Alexander Kurkov

New Stage
Run time:
2 hours 10 minutes
Anna Samostrelova as Medora.

Photo by Ilya Korotkov.

Irina Sapozhnikova as Medora.

Photo by Fernando Lopez.

A scene from the performance.

Photo by Ilya Korotkov.

Ksenia Abdulkarimova as Gulnara.

Photo by Ilya Korotkov.

Shizuru Kato as Conrad.

Photo by Ilya Korotkov.

A scene from the performance.

Photo by Gennady Shishkin.

A scene from the performance.

Photo by Ilya Korotkov.

21 September

Saturday, 18:00

21 September

Saturday, 14:00

Select date

Corsairs are sailing at full sail through a terrible storm towards an Eastern shore.

Act I

Scene 1. At the market

The Corsairs led by Conrad arrive at a marketplace in Adrianople. Fanfares announce the impending arrival at the market of rich and influential Seid Pasha who intends to buy girls for his harem.

Seid Pasha and his retinue, accompanied by slave trader Lankendem arrive at the market. His first purchase is Gulnara, a carefree beauty with inexhaustible energy. After him Lankendem exhibits Greek girl Medora. Seid Pasha, and everyone around him, is stunned by her beauty. Conrad and Medora's eyes meet and the world ceases to exist. As a sign of this sudden surge of love, Conrad gives the girl an amulet in the form of a bracelet, which will now protect her and bring happiness. Neither Seid Pasha, who has bought Medora without haggling, nor his resplendent procession, just out of view, can return the lovers to reality.

The action is over, the market place empties. The Corsairs are the last to leave.

Schedule and tickets
21 September
21 September
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