Alexei Borodin

Born in 1941 in the city of Tsingtao, China.

In 1968 he graduated from the State Institute of the Performing Arts (GITIS), Yury Zavadsky’s course.

From 1973-80, he headed the Kirov Youth Theatre.

Since 1980, he has been artistic director of Moscow’s Russian Academic Youth Theatre where he has directed over 40 productions, among which are: Viktor Hugo’s Les Miserables, The Kid after Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Valentin Yozhov and Grigori Chukhrai’s Alyosha, Yuri Shchekochikhin’s Trap Number 46, Size Two, William Shakespeare’s King Lear, Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, Racine’s Berenice, Great Expectations after Charles Dickens, Evgeny Shvarts’ One Night, Anne Frank’s Diary Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Alfred de Musset’s Lorenzaccio, Erast Fandorin, In and Yan. White Version and In and Yan. Black Version after Boris Akunin, Anton Chekhov’s Chekhov-Gala and The Cherry Orchard, Tom Stoppard’s trilogy The Shores of Utopia, Gogol’s The Portrait, Crimson Sails after Alexander Grin, Eugene O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Elektra, E. Mann’s Nürnberg. As well as Father’s and Sons based on Turgenev and The Devils after Dostoyevsky in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Professor, artistic director of a studio at The Russian University of the Performing Arts (GITIS).

Recipient of the Russia State Prize, City of Moscow Prize; the Order of Friendship and the Order of Services to the Fatherland (4th class).

General partner of the Bolshoi Theatre — insurance company «Ingosstrakh»
Privileged sponsor of the Bolshoi Theatre — TBank
Privileged partner of the Bolshoi Theatre — GUM